Life Coaching – What to expect
Live life to your full potential!
As a Life Coach, our focus is to assist, guide and support you to achieve more in your life.
During a coaching session you will be guided on a ‘journey of self-discovery’ to help you get in touch with your unconscious mind so you can discover, heal and resolve any underlying issues. This is a very gentle process and is done in a relaxed and safe environment. You will always be in complete control during each session.
You will notice changes within yourself from session to session as more understandings are reached and you will then find yourself being able to move forward in a more positive way.
By removing any previous limitations, you will be able to achieve more in your life as you can now move towards your best potential.
We can do all this by helping you to:
- change limiting beliefs;
- release negative emotions e.g. guilt, blame, anger, sadness, depression, anxiety;
- re-align your values;
- gain control of your emotions and behaviors e.g. phobias, fears;
- understand and remove inner conflict;
- achieve your goals; and
- create positive change in your life.
Email us now on the Contact Us page to arrange your free assessment.
Watch the FREE Presentation HERE
For as long as I can remember I have been terrified of talking on camera or with a microphone in front of my face. It prevented me from doing a lot of things I really wanted to do growing up. I have never understood why because I am quite a confident person, I am happy to speak to a room full of people but as soon as someone put a camera on me or asked me to speak into a microphone I completely froze to put I couldn’t event remember my name.
It has always bothered me but had no idea how to get over it until one day my boss recommended that I speak to Vicki, that she had helped him and that she would be able to help me.
After a 1 hour session I felt more confident but honestly wouldn’t know if it had worked until I had to put it into practice.
Luckily 4 days later I had to record a video promoting an upcoming event I was working on, previously this would have sent me into panic mode for 3 days before having to do it but I couldn’t believe how calm I was. I was able to use the techniques she had taught me to focus, clear my head and visualize my behavior before the camera was rolling and by the time they called action I have never felt so calm and didn’t freeze once!
I am so grateful that Vicki helped me, it truly was life changing-Lauren H, Adelaide South Australia
Vicki Kirss is a fully accredited member of the Australian Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming having trained to a Master NLP Practitioner level. She is also a fully qualified Master Life Coach and Master Ericksonian Hypnotherapist.