Bully Proofed Adults
It’s not just children that are affected. Bullying can chase children well into adulthood where the bullies become their bosses, partners – simply child bullies who never evolved their ways. Sadly, the bullied can also become the bullies later on in life.
The good news is that adults can be bully proofed!
If you are being bullied, or are suffering from the effects of bullying either in a relationship or in the workplace, I can help you.
As an adult suffering the effects of bullying, you may be suffering from many problems such as: eating disorders, anxiety, depression and many other effects, which may even include suicidal thoughts.
Often anxiety can stop you from finding the help you need to work through these issues. It can stop you from becoming an empowered adult, but by working with a trusted coach, you can become free of these issues that are holding you back and preventing you from living a fulfilling and joyful life.
Contact me here via email to access your free coaching assessment and I’ll be able to guide you to the right areas where I can be of the most help to you, in a safe, stress free environment.
Watch the FREE Presentation HERE or contact Vicki via the Contact Us page for more information about her book and program.