Help! My Child is Being Bullied

When I first found out my friend’s daughter Jane was being bullied, it was with her words ‘Help! My child is being bullied – what can I do?’

It was a terrible place for her to be as a parent, wanting only the best for your child and finding out she is being bullied. The questions she asked herself – Where do I turn to? Who do I speak to? Can Google help me? Can anyone PLEASE help me?

“They’ll work it out!” the Deputy Principal of the private high school my friend Jill’s daughter was attending said, after one particularly bad incident of classroom bullying. The nastiness and exclusion of this bunch of ‘mean girls’ was unbelievable! The English teacher saw what was going on and reported it, but the Deputy Principal did nothing about it.

“Right!! No help from that front”, Jill said, “We’re on our own!”

By the time Jill changed Jane’s school to a lovely local school for her final year in High School, she was already suffering from acute anxiety and depression. She had eating disorders and she felt her life was a misery from one day to the next.

She didn’t want to go on!

How do you help someone you love, when they feel so low? When they feel like their life isn’t worth living anymore?

Jill explained to me that when your child is being bullied, it gives you such a sense of helplessness, not knowing what to do. How do you convince them it will be OK? That when they leave school, life will change and the bullies will just disappear.

That is the problem though. The bullies DON’T disappear! They just change faces, names, genders – but they’re still there and your child will still be bullied – even after they’ve left school.

Child being bullied by other children

And WHY did this happen to her in the first place? What was Jill’s daughter lacking to have this happen to her?

I would like you to know, there is help for you and your child!

Because of all the ways Jane suffered from being bullied, and realising what she was lacking in her emotional make-up, I felt driven to find a way to be able to help other parents in the same situation. That’s why I developed the book and program ‘Bully Proof Your Child’.

Yes, this program is designed for 8-12 year old primary school children before they get to high school. Yes, it’s full of activities to help your child grow their self-esteem, self-belief and confidence; therefore their courage and resilience.

However, this program can be used for children who are already being bullied because, after all, the reason children are bullied is because they don’t have self-esteem, self-belief and confidence in themselves. They aren’t courageous and resilient.

I strongly suggest the best years to develop and strengthen these important emotional attributes are BEFORE they get to high school, BEFORE your child is bullied!

The ‘Bully Proof Your Child’ program can be used with children who are already in high school, because the activities, even though they are written in a language more designed for younger children, will still work just as well for older children, with just a few minor alterations which you can easily do yourself.

I know that bullying doesn’t happen to all children, but, how will you know?

If Jill had been able to prepare her daughter for what was ahead, Jane would have been saved from the emotional and mental torture that happened to her. But, she just didn’t know.

This program will assist our children to create a better future for themselves.

Please take the time to watch a free 30 minute Presentation “Bully Proof Your Child” to learn HOW you can stop your child from being bullied!

All of the activities in the program are simple, easy to follow and extremely powerful however, they will only unlock courage and resilience in your children if you DO them, and by doing so, you will be showing them how to access useful emotions, create instant state changes, realize the power of choice, learn emotional intelligence, create new self-beliefs, self-esteem and values, and develop empathy. In other words THRIVE!

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